• Head of Laboratory: Prof. Sándor PONGOR
  • Members: Dr. János JUHÁSZ, Dr. Balázs LIGETI
  • The group is primarily interested in the general principles of intercellular communication with special regard to genomics/proteomics of microbial communities. Microbial communities play fundamental roles in health and disease as well as in the stability of the ecosystem. A better understanding of these systems may provide insights into the mechanisms of infections, epidemics as well as environmental and social processes.
  • The stated goal of the group is to develop non-conventional views of biological data that we hope to achieve by developing novel techniques of genome bioinformatics (NGS), data-mining, machine learning, agent-based modeling as well as by the integration of heterogeneous data-sources and high throughput data.

Different layers of molecular biology data (for example nucleotide sequences, 3D protein structures, biological functions) need to be connected in order to gain knowledge (published in scientific articles) about the structure and regulation of organisms. Mapping tools between different data types or layers and clusteing methods within these layers are crucial for effective information transfer.