The university’s Catholic nature is basically reflected in the values of its lecturers and staff, and in its community-based organizational structure. For Catholic students, a Catholic university will provide a place that is familiar and welcoming: it is undoubtedly a bonus to study at a university reflecting their values, and to practice their religion in various ways. The Faculty offers a wide range of programs to help students experience a loving community, deepen their relationship with God, and clarify their values.
It is particularly important for students studying in Hungary, living far from their families and their familiar cultural environment, to be able to participate in the pastoral services provided by the Church in order to exercise their faith.
Catholic Holy Masses are held in the faculty chapel every week. The university chaplain is happy to answer your questions and he is at students’ disposal for spiritual conversations and confessions.
As a tolerant and welcoming atmosphere pervades our campus, non-religious students or students of other denominations are asked to respect the values of the Catholic Church and accept the culture and symbols present at campus. We respect your belief system but at the same time we kindly ask you to respect ours, even if you do not agree with it. This is the way how we can work and live together in peace and harmony.
PPKE university chaplain Father Alessandro Caprioli - E-mail: geremia31@gmail.com |
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PPKE ITK faculty chaplain Father Andrew Lee - E-mail: a.lee@sancarlo.org |
Depending on their interest, students can participate in many available spiritual programmes at the University (some of which are in English), including:
- holy masses in English,
- spirituality days during during major Catholic holidays,
- preparation for sacraments (baptism, confirmation)
- leisure and cultural programs: excursion, film clubs
- lectures, roundtable discussions on Christianity, spirituality
Catholic Holy Masses in Foreign Languages in Budapest
- In English:
- St. Stephen’s Basilica (Szent István Bazilika), 1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 1.
- Every Sunday at 4:00 PM
- Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Budapest-Belváros Főplébániatemplom), 1056 Budapest, Március 15. tér 2.
- Every Sunday at 6:00 PM
- St. Stephen’s Basilica (Szent István Bazilika), 1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 1.
- In Spanish:
- Holy Cross Church (Szent Kereszt-templom), 1123 Budapest, Táltos utca 16.
- Every Sunday at 3:30 PM
- Holy Cross Church (Szent Kereszt-templom), 1123 Budapest, Táltos utca 16.
- In Portuguese:
- St. Anne’s Church (Belvárosi Szent Anna-templom), 1052 Budapest, Szervita tér 6.
- Every Sunday at 10:00 AM
- St. Anne’s Church (Belvárosi Szent Anna-templom), 1052 Budapest, Szervita tér 6.
- In French:
- Holy Spirit Church in Remetekertváros (Remetekertvárosi Szentlélek-templom), 1028 Budapest, Templom utca 18.
- Every Sunday at 11:00 AM
- Church of the Wounds of St. Francis (Szent Ferenc sebei-templom), 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 43.
- Every Sunday at 5:00 PM
- Holy Spirit Church in Remetekertváros (Remetekertvárosi Szentlélek-templom), 1028 Budapest, Templom utca 18.
- In Italian:
- Parish Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet-plébániatemplom), 1014 Budapest, Országház utca 14.
- Every Sunday at 10:30 AM
- Parish Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet-plébániatemplom), 1014 Budapest, Országház utca 14.
- In German:
- Church of the Wounds of St. Francis (Szent Ferenc sebei-templom), 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 43.
- Every Sunday at 10:15 AM
- Church of the Wounds of St. Francis (Szent Ferenc sebei-templom), 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 43.
- In Armenian:
- Church of Our Lady of Ransom and St. Gregory the Illuminator (Fogolykiváltó Boldogasszony és Világosító Szent Gergely-templom), 1085 Budapest, Mária utca 25.
- Every Sunday at 4:00 PM
- Church of Our Lady of Ransom and St. Gregory the Illuminator (Fogolykiváltó Boldogasszony és Világosító Szent Gergely-templom), 1085 Budapest, Mária utca 25.
- In Ukrainian:
- St. Michael’s Church (Belvárosi Szent Mihály-templom), 1056 Budapest, Váci utca 47/B.
- Every Sunday at 12:00 PM (Greek Catholic Rite)
- St. Michael’s Church (Belvárosi Szent Mihály-templom), 1056 Budapest, Váci utca 47/B.
- In Filipino:
- Inner City Franciscan Church (Belvárosi Ferences templom), 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 9.
- Every Sunday at 3:30 PM
- Inner City Franciscan Church (Belvárosi Ferences templom), 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 9.
- In Vietnamese:
- Church of Our Lady of Hungarians (Magyarok Nagyasszonya-templom), 1089 Budapest, Rezső tér 16.
- Every Sunday at 6:00 PM
- Church of Our Lady of Hungarians (Magyarok Nagyasszonya-templom), 1089 Budapest, Rezső tér 16.
- In Polish:
- Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Mindenkor Segítő Szűz Mária-templom), 1106 Budapest, Gergely utca 3/A.
- Every Sunday at 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM
- Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Mindenkor Segítő Szűz Mária-templom), 1106 Budapest, Gergely utca 3/A.
For students of various denominations, the following churches can be recommended in the city for English-speaking services:
- Lutheran
- Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Budapest-Fasor, 1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 17.
- Sundays 9:30 a.m.
- Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Budapest-Fasor, 1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 17.
- Presbyterian / Calvinist
- Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 51.
- Time of worship: Sundays 11:00 am.
- Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 51.
- Jewish
- Dohány Street Synagogue, 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 2.
- Muslim
- Budapest Mosque, 1119 Budapest, Fehérvári út 41.