International Symposium 24-26 April, 2025, Budapest, Hungary

Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics


Who should attend

Scientists from inside and outside Europe are very welcome. Participants can come from industry, academia and research institutes. The Symposium will be a perfect occasion for young as well as for established and lead researchers to present their work, networking, discussing newest scientific findings and to share their experience with colleagues. The event will be quite focussed, we are expecting about 100 attendees.


Preliminary Programme

Poster session



Abstract submission: Abstract submission closed.

Early bird registration: 15 February 2025

Late registration: 15 March 2025


Registration and Fees


Early bird (before 15 February  2025)

Late (until 15 March 2025)


270 EUR

350 EUR


370 EUR

450 EUR


150 EUR

200 EUR

One day registration: early bird 120 EUR, late 130 EUR

For registration please use THIS FORM.

The registration fee includes: the participation in all scientific sessions, abstract book, coffee breaks, sandwich lunch, welcome reception, Gala dinner.

Payment method: Click HERE


Abstract submission

Abstract submission closed.

(For abstract submission please use THE TEMPLATE. The maximum length is maximum 1 page (A4). 1 table or 1 figure can be included.

The abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee. The authors will be informed about the acceptance of the abstract until 10th of February 2025.

Please send the abstract to this email address:



  1. Local Scientific Committee
    • Prof. Franciska ERDŐ (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest)
    • Prof. István ANTAL (Semmelweis University, Budapest)
    • Prof. Romána ZELKÓ (Semmelweis University, Budapest)
    • Dr. Kende LŐRINCZ, Semmelweis University, Budapest)
    • Prof. Ildikó BÁCSKAY (University of Debrecen, Debrecen)
    • Prof. Mária DELI (Biological Research Center, Szeged)
    • Prof. Ildikó CSÓKA (University of Szeged, Szeged)
    • Prof. Rita AMBRUS (University of Szeged, Szeged)
    • Prof. István GREINER (Richter, Budapest)
    • Dr. Zoltán ÁCS (MEDITOP, Pilisborosjenő)
    • Dr. Dávid GRESKOVITS (MEDITOP, Pilisborosjenő)
  2. Organizing Committee
    • Dr. Kálmán TORNAI
    • Krisztina NYÍRI
    • László CSÁNY
    • Lívia ADORJÁN
    • Szandra IVÁN



  1. Dermal barrier
  2. Blood-brain barrier
  3. Nasal barrier
  4. Ocular barrier
  5. Other physiological barriers and transporters
  6. Drug penetration
  7. Cosmetic penetration
  8. Drug delivery
  9. Innovative formulations
  10. In vitro barrier models
  11. 3D bioprinting
  12. Methods for testing drug delivery
  13. In silico approaches, AI
  14. Electrospinning
  15. Organ-on-a-chip microfluidics
  16. Disease models



Building of Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Práter utca 50A, 1083 Budapest, Hungary)

How to find our building?

  • Google map
  • Tram lines 4 or 6, Corvin negyed station
  • Metro line M3, Corvin negyed or Semmelweis Klinikák station
  • Bus lines 9, Muzsikus cigányok parkja station

Arriving by car: parking opportunity in the deep garage of the Faculty building

Arriving from or to the International Airport Liszt Ferenc, Budapest: by BKK buses (100E or 200E), by MiniBUD Shuttle Service, by taxi (or you can rent a car)


About Budapest

  • Discover the city - click HERE
  • Useful informations and links - click HERE


Hotel accommodation

Hotels and accomodations in the close vicinity of the congress venue:

Prater Residence
Hotel City Inn 
Leonardo Hotel 
Akeah Verdi Budapest 
The Three Corners Lifestyle Hote
Triple M 
Hotel Palazzo Zichy 
Hotel Museum 
Mercure Budapest Korona 


Exhibition & Sponsoring


Fore more information please contact:


The organization of the symposium was supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (Mecenatúra 2. sub-programme, project number 149141), Budapest, Hungary.