- Bernadett ÁCS PhD, senior lecturer
- Csaba BENEDEK professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Ágnes BÉRCESNÉ NOVÁK PhD, associate professor
- Ferenc BOGNÁR MSc, lecturer
- Andrea CILIBERTO PhD, researcher-developer
- György CSABA PhD, associate professor
- Márton CSAPODI PhD, associate professor
- Dávid CSERCSIK PhD, associate professor
- György CSEREY professor, dean
- Attila CSIKÁSZ-NAGY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- István CSÖRGŐ PhD, lecturer
- Árpád CSURGAY professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Ildikó CSURGAYNÉ GEREBEN honorary associate professor
- Péter CSURGAY MSc, lecturer
- Péter ENYEDI SU professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Lóránd ERŐSS PhD, senior research fellow
- András FALUS SU professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Gergely FELDHOFFER PhD, senior lecturer
- Péter FÖLDESY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Sándor FÖLDI PhD, senior lecturer
- Tamás FREUND professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Péter GÁL professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Barnabás GARAY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Tamás Márton GARAY PhD, senior lecturer
- Zoltán GÁSPÁRI professor
- Zsuzsanna GERENCSÉRNÉ VÁGÓ PhD, associate professor
- Júlia GÓTH PhD, associate professor
- László GRAND PhD, senior lecturer
- Klára GYIRES SU professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Miklós GYÖNGY PhD, associate professor
- Dániel GYÖRFFY PhD, senior lecturer
- Dániel HILLIER PhD, senior lecturer
- András HORVÁTH PhD, associate professor
- Ágoston Csaba HORVÁTH PhD, assistant researcher
- Kristóf IVÁN PhD, associate professor
- János JUHÁSZ PhD, senior lecturer
- Imre KALLÓ PhD, associate professor
- Kristóf KARACS PhD, associate professor
- Balázs KARLÓCAI PhD, senior lecturer
- Miklós KELLERMAYER SU professor, med. habil., Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Miklós KOLLER PhD, associate professor
- Géza KOLUMBÁN professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Mihály KOVÁCS professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- József LACZKÓ PhD, associate professor
- András József LAKI PhD, associate professor
- János LEVENDOVSZKY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
- Balázs LIGETI PhD, associate professor
- Zsolt LIPOSITS professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Gergely István LUKÁCS PhD, associate professor
- Zoltán NAGY PhD, associate professor
- Márton Bese NASZLADY MSc, lecturer
- Attila Zoltán NOVÁK PhD, research fellow
- Borbála NOVÁK PhD, senior lecturer
- Kálmán NYÉKY PhD, assistant researcher
- András OLÁH PhD, associate professor
- Ádám PAPP PhD, research fellow
- Márton PÉRI PhD, lecturer
- Bálint Ferenc PÉTERFIA PhD, senior research fellow
- Sándor PONGOR professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Gábor PRÓSZÉKY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- István Zoltán REGULY PhD, associate professor
- Balázs RÓZSA PhD, senior research fellow
- Miklós RUSZINKÓ professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Márk SÁNTHA LEVENTE MSc, researcher-developer
- Zsolt SZABÓ professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Gábor SZEDERKÉNYI professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Péter SZOLGAY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- György TAKÁCS PhD, honorary professor
- Attila TIHANYI MSc, lecturer
- Kálmán TORNAI PhD, associate professor
- István ULBERT professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Judit VÁRDAINÉ KOLLÁR MSc, lecturer
- Franciska VIDÁNÉ ERDŐ PhD, associate professor
- Ákos ZARÁNDY professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
- Péter ZÁVODSZKY professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Tamás ZSEDROVITS PhD, associate professor