• Heads of Laboratory: Dr. György CSABA, Dr. Ádám PAPP, Prof. Árpád CSURGAY
  • Members: Levente MAUCHA, Mitra MOAYED, Tamás Rudner, Dr. Róbert ERDÉLYI
  • Our lab experimentally studies magnetic nanostructures and analog circuits, for the development of next-generation computing devices. Our main instrument is a unique TR-MOKE setup (Time-resolved Magneto Optical Microscope), that measures dynamic behavior nanomagnets and spin waves at high frequencies. Besides magnetic studies, we can perform a wide range of optical and high-frequency electrical measurements.
  • Our lab has close collaborations with the Technical University of Munich, where cutting edge nanofabrication tools make the samples that we measure here.

Fabrication and measurement of a magnonic computing system. From Kiechle, Martina, Adam Papp, Simon Mendisch, Valentin Ahrens, Matthias Golibrzuch, Gary H. Bernstein, Wolfgang Porod, Gyorgy Csaba, and Markus Becherer. "Spin‐Wave Optics in YIG Realized by Ion‐Beam Irradiation." Small (2023): 2207293.