• Head of Research Group: Dr. Gergely LUKÁCS
  • Members of the Group: Hunor BÁLINT, Dániel DOBÁK, Balázs KOVÁCS, Dániel PÁSZTOR, Lili Anna STÁJER,  András SZENTENDREY, Klaudia SZILI, Melinda SZIKSZ
  • Contact: lukacs@itk.ppke.hu
  • Data management and machine learning have been key areas for years. In recent times, data-driven generative artificial intelligence has become a central player, causing further landslide technological and societal changes. In the lab, we work on the technological side of the topic on the one hand, and on the other hand -- in interdisciplinary collaborations -- on applications that promise societal benefits. In the latter, we also place particular emphasis on issues affecting human relationships and communities, which are largely, and unfortunately often negatively, influenced by technology. On the technology side, building on our previous work, we have recently explored the potential applications of generative AI for big data and machine learning.
  • We also use big data tools to analyse the parameters of large language models (a small model can have 7 billion parameters), the "engine" of generative AI. On the application side, we analyse social media data, in a collaborative context, on the interaction between pair bonds and social media use. Generative AI also offers new possibilities for the creation of voice-based social media, speech-music playlists. Finally, new possibilities for the analysis of medical literature are offered by technological tools and solutions.

Strengthening community ties with audio-based „social” media:
Each node represents a student, each edge a positive answer to the question „Who can you ask for help in your studies”: Solid green line: new tie; dotted red line: lost tie; grey line: no change.
The test group used our audio social media prototype for 3-4 months, the control group did not use it.