• Head of Laboratory: Dr. Gergely LUKÁCS
  • Members: Hunor BÁLINT, Dániel DOBÁK, Balázs KOVÁCS, Dániel PÁSZTOR, Lili Anna STÁJER,  András SZENTENDREY, Klaudia SZILI, Melinda SZIKSZ
  • Database management, machine learning and data mining became central issues in recent years. The laboratory covers a wide range of relevant topics and systems, from relational database management systems, over cloud-based big data systems to data curation, business intelligence and machine learning tools. The lab infrastructure supporting includes a high-performance server, a storage server and powerful workstations. Concerning the application areas, our long-term vision is applications supporting and strengthening human ties. Cooperation with sociologists, psychologist and media professionals is crucial for us. We have been involved in assessing the effect of an audio-based social media system on (offline) social networks and the analysis of social networks among clinical pastoral care professionals. Currently, we are working on speech-music playlist generation, a technical precondition for customized, audio social media. Thesis works are also prepared on the analysis of data collected by Google, Facebook, Instagram.

Strengthening community ties with audio-based „social” media:
Each node represents a student, each edge a positive answer to the question „Who can you ask for help in your studies”: Solid green line: new tie; dotted red line: lost tie; grey line: no change.
The test group used our audio social media prototype for 3-4 months, the control group did not use it.