Please note that the information below is valid only for the Bioinformatics, Computer Science Engineering, Info-Bionics Engineering, Medical Biotechnology and Quantum Engineering MSc programmes. 

Image Processing and Computer Vision MSc applicants should consult the website about specific details. 


Admission-related fees

Fee type Study programme Non-EU nationals EU nationals

Application fee

All MSc programmes

HUF 8000
(approx. EUR 21)

HUF 8000
(approx. EUR 21)

Tuition fee (per semester) Bioinformatics MSc

HUF 975,000
(approx. EUR 2600)

HUF 720,000
(approx. EUR 1900)

Tuition fee (per semester) Computer Science Engineering MSc

HUF 945,000
(approx. EUR 2500)

HUF 720,000
(approx. EUR 1900)

Tuition fee (per semester) Info-Bionics Engineering MSc

HUF 975,000
(approx. EUR 2600)

HUF 720,000
(approx. EUR 1900)

Tuition fee (per semester) Medical Biotechnology MSc

HUF 975,000
(approx. EUR 2600)

HUF 720,000
(approx. EUR 1900)

Tuition fee (per semester) Quantum Engineering MSc

HUF 975,000
(approx. EUR 2600)

HUF 720,000
(approx. EUR 1900)

All fees are to be paid in Hungarian Forints (HUF). Click here to check the daily exchange rate: ECB currency converter 

Bank details for making payments to Pázmány Péter Catholic University 

  • Name of beneficiary: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem 
  • Name of bank: OTP Bank Nyrt. 
  • Address of bank: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 16., Hungary 
  • IBAN: HU58 1170 7024 2043 3873 0000 0000 
  • BIC (Swift) code: OTPVHUHB 
  • Address of beneficiary: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 28., Hungary 
  • Note: your name + name of your selected MSc programme  

Please make sure that any transfer-related charges are paid on your end. 

Non-EU citizens may apply to our Faculty through three state-funded scholarship programs (offering tuition-free education): Stipendium Hungaricum, Scholarship for Christian Young People and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship. Click here for more information about the scholarship schemes.