• Head of Research Group: Dr. Kristóf KARACS
  • Members: Dr. Anna GELENCSÉR-HORVÁTH, András Attila SULYOK, Márton JUSZTIN,  Péter HALÁSZ, Bálint LASSÚ, Andrei KONDAKOV, Boglárka SZABÓ
  • The Vision Centre aims to restore the vision of visually impaired patients to the fullest extent possible and to improve their quality of life by using medical and technical devices, as well as developing new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for eye diseases.
  • Research will be carried out in four sub-programmes:
    • 1. Research on the functioning of electronic devices to facilitate the daily life of the visually impaired;
    • 2. Participation in international clinical trials of retinal implants and their implementation in Hungary;
    • 3. Clinical trials of techniques for vision restoration based on genetic approaches; 
    • 4. Atomating ophtalmologic diagnostics based on fundus, OCT and recordings of other modalities.
  • Most of the ongoing work at ITK is related to sub-programs 1 and 4. Basic research focuses on modelling spatio-temporal event interpretation, including vision, the sensory channel that conveys most information. Here we draw inspiration from the operation observed in human vision, but we also work on building stand-alone models aligned with the capabilities of available and soon to be available hardware.

Navigation using a phone based visual assistant at the Cybathlon Challenge 2023