• Head of Laboratory: Dr. Zoltán FEKETE
  • Members: Dr. Ágoston Csaba HORVÁTH, Dr. Ágnes SZABÓ, Dr. Richárd FIÁTH, Dr. Péter BARTHÓ, Zsófia BALOGH-LANTOS, Levente VÍG, Ákos MÓROCZ
  • Today's medical devices often benefit from advancements in the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Manufacturing technology and characterization of such miniaturized sensors and actuators, and their applications in vivo require truly interdisciplinary approaches including material science, electronics technology, neurobiology and informatics. One of the most challenging task is the development of microdevices implanted in the neural tissue. Our research group is engaged in the design, implementation, and testing of microimplants that are able to interrogate cellular communication with high spatial and temporal resolution and are also able to control cellular processes by means of optical and pharmacological stimulation.
  • More information about the research group

Our group combines expertise from neuroscience and engineering sciences to create microscale device to interrogate or stimulate brain cells. These interfaces are created using MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) technology, and enables to combine electrophysiology with neuroimaging, optoelectronics or microfluidics.