- Head of Research Group: Prof. István ULBERT, Dr. Domonkos HORVÁTH
- Members of the Group: Dr. Lucia WITTNER, Dr. Richárd FIÁTH, Dr. Gergely MÁRTON, Dr. Dániel HILLIER, Beáta Tünde SZABÓ, Ágnes KANDRÁCS, Dr. Csaba KÖLLŐD, Ward FADEL, András ADOLF, Melinda RÁCZ
- Contact: ulbert.istvan@itk.ppke.hu , horvath.domonkos.aron@itk.ppke.hu
The laboratory covers a broad range of disciplines, including electrophysiology, materials science, microchip and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), computing, neuroscience, and optical imaging. The aim of the research is to investigate the physiological and pathological function of the central nervous system. The laboratory staff is involved in several collaborative projects in the field of in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology and optical imaging. In 2014, the laboratory joined the Hungarian National Brain Research Program, in which it participates in the design and testing of thin-film electrodes.Main research areas: design and validation of new nervous system instruments; investigation of evoked potentials, spontaneous and epileptic cortical activities; mapping of thalamocortical neural networks responsible for sensory information processing; development of brain-computer interfaces. The group is also responsible for teaching a BSc and an MSc course, where the students can learn about electrophysiological recording methods andtheir applications.
- More information about the research group
Spatiotemporal profiles of high-resolution spike waveforms of sorted single units. (a) Left: schematic of the recording site layout. Middle left: Mean spike waveforms of a cortical neuron with a narrow spike (putative interneuron) on all channels. Middle right: Color map showing the spatiotemporal profile of the spike waveform on channels (n = 32) framed by the blue rectangle in the middle left (column of sites which contain the peak waveform channel). The inset at the top demonstrates magnified mean spike waveforms on nine adjacent channels which recorded the spikes with the largest amplitudes. Right: Color maps illustrating the twodimensional spatial profiles of the spike waveform on all channels (red rectangle in the middle left) at multiple time points (time step, 0.1 ms). Time zero corresponds to the trough (negative peak) of the spike waveform. (b) The spatiotemporal profile of the spike waveform of a neuron with a wide spike (putative principal cell). Note the longer duration and the dorsal propagation of the spike in the color maps (time step on the right, 0.2 ms). (c) Additional examples (n = 15) of extracellular spike waveforms of various single units.