• Heads of Laboratory: Prof. Zsolt LIPOSITS, Dr. Imre KALLÓ, Dr. Imre FARKAS
  • Members: Barbara GÖBLYÖS, Emil KOPLÁNYI
  • The Neuroendocrine Research Group investigates primarily the neural- and hormonal regulation of the endocrine- and autonomic functions of rodents by using a combination of functional neuroanatomical, molecular biological and neurophysiological techniques in wild-type and genetically modified experimental animals. The functions, activity and the signal transmission of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) producing neurons, which provide the primary output of the neuronal network, show significant changes during the cyclic operation of the ovaries, as well as, after the cessation of the cycles, during menopause. The sex- and estrous cycle phase-dependent gene expression profile is mapped with single cell high throughput assays and validated in the key cellular elements regulating reproduction, including the GnRH neurons. The highly relevant regulatory genes and signaling pathways are identified by using bioinformatical and analytical approaches. The molecular biological, neuroanatomical and functional data produced establish a base for modelling the consequences of the pathological and potential therapeutic changes in endogenous levels of gonadal hormones.
  • The major research topics are the followings: Examination of the mutual regulatory inputs between the GnRH neurons and their afferent neuronal systems during the different phases of the ovarian cycle and in pathophysiological conditions. Investigation of the age-dependent reduction of estrogen-signaling, studying its consequences in the central nervous system, and providing data for prevention and establishing new therapeutic approaches.
  • List of recent publications
  • More information about the research group

The scheme shows a multilevel control of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-endocrine axes studied by our research group, which operates through feed-forward neuronal and humoral signaling and feedback mechanisms. The kisspeptin neurons, which play a key role in the mediation of the estrogen feedback, and the GnRH neurons, which provide the major output, are in the center of the neuronal network regulating reproduction.