IPCV Alumni Workshop 2022


The consortium, responsible for the Image Processing and Computer Vision Masters Program cordially invite you to the first IPCV Alumni Workshop, which takes place 7-9 September 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.

The workshop will cover a wide range of topics, from augmented reality to medical image processing, from video analysis to explainable AI. Beside the prominent keynote speakers, we also invite our alumni students to give presentations and/or exhibit posters about their activities, which is an opportunity to give inspiration to our graduating and freshman IPCV students.


Leisure programs of the evenings and afternoons will provide an excellent settings to meet your fellow students and network with IPCV-professionals from all over the world. Be ready to enjoy Budapest together and have fun!


Date: 7-9 September 2022 (Wednesday-Friday)
Venue: Pázmány ITK, Budapest, Hungary
Tentative program: ipcv.eu/alumniworkshop2022

Our alumni students are invited to submit an oral presentation and/or poster proposal. Details for the oral and poster presentations can be found in the Call for Papers. Alumni students taking part in the poster session may get 50 % off the registration fee. Alumni invited to give a presentation at the lecture session may benefit from a full registration fee waiver.


Register here until 15 July for an early bird discount

Registration fee (for IPCV alumni): 160 EUR (poster presenter: 80 EUR)
Early bird registration fee (until 15 July): 120 EUR (poster presenter: 60 EUR)

The registration fee includes:
- participation in all sessions and discussions
- participation in networking and social events
- coffee breaks
- lunch and dinner cruise on the Danube on Thursday

The registration fee does not include the accommodation.

More information and Call for Papers: http://ipcv.eu/alumniworkshop2022/
Paper/Abstract Submissions Due: 15 July 2022

For more information please contact us at ipcv@itk.ppke.hu


The workshop is organized as a cooperative event by the three partner universities:
Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary)
University of Bordeaux (France)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)


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