• Head of Laboratory: Dr. Tamás GARAY
  • Members: Gréta BÁNYAI, Nikolett DOBOS, Júlia KVASZNICZA, Afrodité NÉMETH, Marcell SZÁSZ, Adrienn VERMESSY
  • The Laboratory of Translational Oncology was co-founded by the Department of Internal Medicine and Oncology of Semmelweis University and the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Accordingly, this Laboratory has the unique opportunity to address questions arising in the daily clinical routine with the competences of both medical-biological and engineering approaches (bench-to-bed). Similarly, scientific results can be easily transferred into to the clinics to serve as outgoing point for new scientific questions and as new therapeutic approaches (bed-to-bench). In the course of investigations in the Laboratory of Translational Oncology we have a comprehensive cell culture laboratory with cutting edge techniques; our aim is to identify new therapeutic targets, prognostic and predictive markers (nucleic acids and proteins, extracellular vesicles) in histological tumor samples or liquid biopsies, that could be crucial in understanding of tumorous processes.
  • Effects of activation and inhibition of potential target molecules (e.g. on proliferation/cell cycle or the activation/inhibition of downstream signaling pathways) are tested in tumor cell models. A distinguished attention is paid to the change of migratory activity of tumor cells, as cell migration is an inevitable process during the formation of metastases.

Trajectories of vehicle control (A) and extracellular vesicle treated (B) melanoma cells. EVs used for the treatment are isolated from the supernatant of syngeneic cells with a more aggressive phenotype. Trajectories are drawn by marking the position of the cells and connecting these points during the whole time-lapse videomicroscopy recording. The color of the depicted trajectories refers to the time elapsed in the order of blue-green-yellow.