Tantárgy adatlapja
The course
covers the following topics: 1.Cell socsilsty – stem cells - major tasks for regulation:
proliferation and death to maintain different specific activity – metabolism for energy; 2.
Main methods: immunohistoemchemistry, PCR-based techniques, NGS, liquid biopsy, meta-analysis; 3.
Signalling pathways (ligands, receptors) – feed-back – mutation; 4. Epigenetics – splicing –
non-coding RNA; 5. Carcinogenesis – oncogen – clonal selection; 6. Local invasion - road to
distant metastasis (epithelial-mesenchimal-transition) – fenexpression; 7. Gene
expression (primary vs secundary) – dormant cells; 8. (Onco)hematology;
9. Intra- et
interheterogeneity – organ cancers;
10. Targeted
therapy (concept and reality) – driver genes; 11. Resistande – synthetic lethality – DNA repair; 12. Non cancer; 13. Ethics in publications – how to digest informations; 14. Consultation. Molecular
Laboratoris to visit: SE II Inst Pathol, Oncompass.