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Tárgy neve: New Topological Technologies
Tárgy kódja: P_DO_0202
Óraszám: N: 4/0/0, L: 0/0/0
Kreditérték: 5
Az oktatás nyelve: angol, magyar
Követelmény típus: Gyakorlati jegy
Felelős kar: ITK
Felelős szervezeti egység: ITK Doktori és Habilitációs Iroda
Tárgyfelelős oktató: Dr. Csurgay Árpád István

Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE) Information Technology and Bionics (ITK)

Roska TamásDoctoral School of Sciences and Technology

Seminars from February 25th to April 30th, 2021 Spring semester 

New Topological Technologies

Árpád I. Csurgay, Professor Eneritus

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) provides an efficient model of the Laws of Nature, and serves as a fruitful tool for investigating the behavior of complex systems. Its applications are connected to Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT).

Recently, topological models emerged as powerful tools for engineering design of robust and fault-tolerant materials, devices and systems.

This course presents a tutorial introduction to (i) topological superconductors;

(ii) topological insulators; (iii) topological electronics; and (iv) topological quantum computers. 

Lessons learned from topological quantum technologies are being applied in the design of classical (v) acoustic, (vi) electromagnetic and (vii) photonic metamaterrials and devices as well. 

Historians often label epochs of human history according to their material technologies— the bronze age, the iron age, and, most recently, the silicon age. Visionary observers of recent developments in material science and engineering are talking about the “dawn of a topological age”. 

The subject of this course is related to the 2020 Autumn Course on “Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in Information Technology”, nevertheless, this course can be comprehended and understood independently.


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