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The curse aims to strengthen the student body's entrepreneurial curiosity and skills. The Fall edition of the Innovation Course aims to build the foundations with new product development, and solution design.
The course will offer exposure to design thinking practices, customer discovery, interview design, product ideation and rapid testing/ prototyping. The course is ideal for students interested in pursuing product manager, product owner, and product developer roles.
-Value Proposition Canvas
-Customer Discovery, User Interviewing Strategy
-User Story Mapping
-Design Thinking
-Solution Design, Rapid Prototyping
-Solution Testing
Recommended literature:
Value Proposition Design, Alexander Osterwalder, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN: 1118968050 |
-He/she is familiar with the customer discovery and user interviewing strategy
-He/she has deeper theoretical and practical knowledge in business planning.
-Combining pragmatic and methodological thinking
-Project planning skills
-Advanced communication soft-skills