Tantárgy adatlapja
Tárgy neve: Sejtbiológia
Tárgy kódja: P_DO_0244
Óraszám: N: 2/2/0, L: 0/0/0
Kreditérték: 6
Az oktatás nyelve: magyar
Követelmény típus: Kollokvium
Felelős kar: ITK
Felelős szervezeti egység: ITK Doktori és Habilitációs Iroda
Tárgyfelelős oktató:
Dr. Garay Tamás Márton
- Cellular organization and plasmamembrane
- Structure and processes in the cell's membrane systems
- Energy conversion: the mitochondrion
- Structured DNA
- The Central Dogma: from DNA to protein (and backwards?)
- Control of gene expression
- DNA repair
- Cells interacting with each other and their environment
- Signaling
- Cytoskeleton and cell motility
- Proliferation - differentiation - renewal - stem cells
- Cancer
Immune cells and functions
Selected list of literature:
Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology 9th Edition (ISBN: 978-1119598169)
Alberts, B. (ed): Molecular biology of the cell (ISBN: 978-1315735368)
List of required professional competences:
Aim of the course is to provide a theoretical overview and summary of processes of the living (human) cells. It puts special emphasis on structure and function of molecules, pathways or networks in the cells, that are related to cancerous processes and laboratory techniques used in research or in clinical diagnosis.