Tantárgy adatlapja

Tárgy neve: Sejttechnológia és sejtes kísérleti modellek
Tárgy kódja: P_DO_0242
Óraszám: N: 2/2/0, L: 0/0/0
Kreditérték: 6
Az oktatás nyelve: magyar
Követelmény típus: Kollokvium
Felelős kar: ITK
Felelős szervezeti egység: ITK Doktori és Habilitációs Iroda
Tárgyfelelős oktató: Dr. Csikász-Nagy Attila István

  • Common and unique characteristics in the cell cycle of bacteria, yeast, animal/human cells (morphology, regulation, evaluating methods)
  • Common and unique characteristics in gene expression of bacteria, yeast, animal/human cells
  • Organization and regulation of the genetic material in procaryotes and eukaryotes
  • Principles of cell-cell communication in eukaryotes
  • Transformation of and protein expression in bacterial cells
  • Evaluation and modelling of bacterial-expressed transgenic proteins
  • Spatial and temporal organization of bacterial colonies
  • Cell cycle regulation in yeast
  • Population dynamics in yeast cultures
  • Experimental and computational models for cell-cell interactions in yeast colonies
  • Regulation of the circadian clock
  • Evaluation of treatments’ effect in experimental tumor models on the level of cell-viability, apoptosis and activation/inhibition of signaling pathways
  • Models for tumor cell migration (experimental setup and evaluation)
  • RNA interference in tumor cell models
  • 3D models of cancer (spheroids, matrices, scaffolds etc.)

Translational approaches in life sciences


List of important selected publications:

Lewins’s Genes XII (ISBN: 978-1284104493)

Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology 9th Edition (ISBN: 978-1119598169)

Castrillo, J.I., Oliver, S.G. (2011). Yeast Systems Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 759. Humana Press. (PMID: 21863478; DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-173-4_1)

Alberts, B. (ed): Molecular biology of the cell. (ISBN: 978-1315735368)

List of those required professional competences, competence elements to the development of which the subject characteristically, materially contributes:

Aim of the course is to provide a general overview of the organization of cells and cell cultures. It puts special emphasis on cell growth and regulation from procaryotic organisms to tumor cells. Accordingly, gathering theoretical background knowledge and technical knowhow as well as improving the ability to make informative and scientifically accurate presentation are stressed during the course.





A tárgy az alábbi képzéseken vehető fel

Roska Tamás Műszaki és Természettudományi Doktori Iskola képzése IDNI-AIMTX Doktori képzés (PhD/DLA) (Nftv. 114 (2)) Nappali angol 8 félév ITK
Roska Tamás Műszaki és Természettudományi Doktori Iskola képzése IDLI-AIMTX Doktori képzés (PhD/DLA) (Nftv. 114 (2)) Levelező angol 8 félév ITK
Roska Tamás Műszaki és Természettudományi Doktori Iskola képzése IDNI-IMTX Doktori képzés (PhD/DLA) (Nftv. 114 (2)) Nappali magyar 8 félév ITK