Tantárgy adatlapja
The course covers the following topics: 1. Introduction – sensors. Motivation and parallelism with biology; sensing categories, propriocepction, exteroception, exproprioception; reviewing the history of robotic sensors from the 70s, sensor revolution, state-of-the-art robotics, challenges and future of the sensors; 2. Human sensing and sensors in biology. Mechano-, termo-, and nociceptors; fast-slow adatptation; touch; pain; balancing; vision; visual-tactile-motori mechanisms; hearing; smell and taste; sensing the inner state; special sensors in biology: localisation (eg. birds, and salmon), distance measurement (eg. owl, bat, whale); 3. Behaviour based robotics, introducing behaviour methods in robotics, deliberative and reactive systems, description and coding of behaviours, behaviour design and coordination , design decisions; 4. Behaviour coordiantion, emergence, fusion and synchronization methods of behaviours; 5. Sensor characteristics; basic principles through examples; sensitivity; accuracy; dynamic range; hysteresis; nonlinearity; resolution; environmental factors; special properties; transfer function; approximations; interpolation; calibration; 6. Sensors, general properties: distance measurement sensors, sensors for localization and navigation, inpact, touch, pressure and force measurement, temperature and measuring internal state; 7. Sensor arrays and sensor networks, visual perception – machine vision, depth cameras, motion tracking systems; 8. Sensorfusion, connection of human and machine sensing;
span>9. Sensors of a mobile robot, sensors of a humanoid robot, remotely controlled robotics; 10. The sensors and measurement methods of Curiosity rover on Mars.